Claude Marquis (former Martocker) will host a Level 3 Officials Course in Halifax on May 4th - 6th.
The course will be held at Sport Nova Scotia's offices at 5516 Spring Garden Road in Halifax.
Recertification will be Saturday only.
Prerequisites: Level 2 Official and experience with a number of 'chief' positions on the race course.
Cost $0
For further information consult the Officials tab on the Alpine Canada website and contact Blake Johnston, Officials Chair, Alpine Nova Scotia - blake@cranberry.ca - 902-847-1411
Please send registrations to blake@cranberry.ca and alpinens@sportnovascotia.ca
Anyone seeking to upgrade their Official certifications is encouraged to attend.
Past Events
Ski Swap 2021!!!
2021-11-06 10:00AM - 1:00PM
Race Equipment Fitting Session with A1
2021-09-19 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Dryland Training
2021-09-19 11:00AM - 1:00PM
Poley SL Races - Feb 20-21st (U14, U16 and U18+)
Crabbe March Break Camp - March 18-20th (U10 and U12)
PEI Races - March 6-7th (U10 and U12)
Marble Technical/Speed Camp and Races - Feb 23-27th (U10, U12, U14, U16, U18+)
Wentworth Rolland Brunner GS/SL Races - Feb 20-21st (U14, U16, U18+)
Wentworth Rolland Brunner SG Race - Feb 19th (U14, U16, U18+)
Martock Race Event, Feb 13-Feb 14th (All U10 and U12)