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Martock Ski Race Club
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CANCELLED-Mont Farlagne GS & SL - March 21 & 22, 2020 U12+

Please note that the Mont Farlange race registration is live and we ask those who are participating to register as soon as possible so that we can plan our coaching staff accordingly.  The race will be held Saturday/Sunday March 21/22nd and has been on the MSRC race schedule for U12+ athletes.

This race is open to all U12, U14 and U16+ athletes and given it is March break hoping for a large MSRC turn out.

Additionally, lane space has been obtained for Friday afternoon (March 20th) and will be avaliable for additional training prior to the GS and Slalom racing on Saturday and Sunday. 

A small additional fee will be required to cover the costs of the additional coaching and lane space rental.  Please ensure you register for this if you plan on participating by selecting the option during the registration process.   

With this event occuring on the final weekend of March Break, we would ask that you please register before March 7th in order to plan coaching travel accordingly.

Past Events

Ski Swap 2021!!!
2021-11-06 10:00AM - 1:00PM

Race Equipment Fitting Session with A1
2021-09-19 1:00PM - 4:00PM

Dryland Training
2021-09-19 11:00AM - 1:00PM

Poley SL Races - Feb 20-21st (U14, U16 and U18+)

Crabbe March Break Camp - March 18-20th (U10 and U12)

PEI Races - March 6-7th (U10 and U12)

Marble Technical/Speed Camp and Races - Feb 23-27th (U10, U12, U14, U16, U18+)

Wentworth Rolland Brunner GS/SL Races - Feb 20-21st (U14, U16, U18+)

Wentworth Rolland Brunner SG Race - Feb 19th (U14, U16, U18+)

Martock Race Event, Feb 13-Feb 14th (All U10 and U12)

Masters Registration Now Open


MSA Camp - Last Chance to Register Dec 9, 2021


Amqui Pre Season Camp Registration is Open


MSRC Annual Ski Swap Returns for 2021 - Nov 5, 6, 7th
