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MSRC Athlete Accounts


Important information regarding athlete account balances owing and refunds

We certainly hope everyone is having a great summer and enjoying the beautiful Nova Scotia weather.  While it feels just about as far away from ski season as possible, the Board of MSRC has been diligently working through the summer to reconcile the individual athlete and family accounts.  While this has been considerable work and taken longer than expected, we are reaching the point where we are starting to issue refunds for those athletes and families who have a balance owed to them, as well as issuing statement to those athletes and families who have a balance owing to the MSRC.  Statements will include activities and payments made on accounts dating back to August of 2017.  We thank you for your patience while we have worked through this process.
As a reminder, for the 2019/2020 season, MSRC operates on a user pay system in which camps and events have an estimated registration fee which was due prior to participating in a particular event or camp which accounts for items such as coaching fees, lift tickets, coaches expenses, event registration fees, MSRC administrative costs (online payment system fees), etc.  Once the event is completed, all of the associated costs for that event are attributed to each registered athlete.  This may result in a slightly higher or lower cost.  At the end of the season, all of the various event costs are reconciled against payments made and a total credit or balance is conveyed to the account owner. 
Statements are being developed and will be issued in the coming weeks to the various account Owners.  We would ask that if you have a balance owing that you please make payments promptly to our treasurer via email transfer.  The email address for those transfers is  please include the account name(s) in the transfer so we can ensure that the transfers are credited against the correct account.  We are looking to have all outstanding account balances addressed prior to the registration for the 2020/2021 season.   
Additionally, MSRC has strived to provide as accurate and up to date information as possible related to each account.  If you have an account in which you received a statement and feel there are discrepancies in terms of the balance owing to MSRC (not indicating a payment made to the club, etc) we would be pleased to discuss the specifics with you.  In that regard, please reach out to myself at and copy our Vice President Rob Healy at we will arrange for a convenient time to discuss the particulars of your account.
For those who have a refund owed to them, we will begin processing refunds later this week through e-transfers.  Due to the daily transaction limits, the refund process is expected to be completed by the end of the week of August 21st.  There will be a secret question required in order to accept the refund, this answer is:
Thank you again for your patience and we are looking forward to sharing news around our 2020/2021 season in the coming weeks.

Tim McLeod
President MSRC

Masters Registration Now Open


MSA Camp - Last Chance to Register Dec 9, 2021


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MSRC Annual Ski Swap Returns for 2021 - Nov 5, 6, 7th
