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Updated Training Times for Jan 30th and 31st for Some Program - PLEASE CHECK REVISED START TIMES


Training times for Saturday and Sunday (Jan 30 and 31st) have been updated for U10 Extended, U12, U14 and U16+

We have been continuing to work with Ski Martock this week to ensure that we are able to provide the best training opportunities as possible for all of our athletes.  In these discussions Martock has advised that this coming weekend, Jan 30th and Jan 31st they are not yet able to commit to the T-Bar being operations. While they continue to do a tremendous effort to get more terrain and T-Bar opened for the weekend, the weather has not come through as was forecasted and additional snow making is necessary to get the t-bar operational.  They will not be able to provide an update until after we need to make a decision on our program start time hence we have jointly made the decision to move forward with a revised program time for some of our age groups.

As per last week there are concerns about the number of younger skiers who may be on the hill with our older (and faster skiing) athletes as well as lift capacity if we were to run our U12+ programs at our regularly scheduled time.  As such they have requested that this weekend, for safety reasons and to assist with the lift line lengths that we adjust our training such that we partially limit our group sizing during the mornings.  This would mean that a portion of the club will train at the regular time in the morning and a portion will have training time adjusted to the afternoon.
While we understand that this is not the regularly scheduled time and may impact on other family planning for the weekend, but we feel that this is the best option for the entire club membership and to support the operations restrictions that Ski Martock currently faces.  We anticipate that this will allow the majority of our U10’s to train in the morning with fewer athletes on the hill and in the lineups as well as the older athletes to have shorter lineups and less risk of speed differential while training on the limited terrain available.  It is also probable that the afternoon training may permit us to have limited lane space for some gate training on a portion of Lower Glades on Saturday evening and ever more opportunity on Sunday afternoon and evening (terrain permitting) which is also a significant benefit that we would not have access to during our regular scheduled time.
As such we are needing to revise training times once more for this weekend as follows:
  • U10 Core – No Change
  • U10 Extended – 3:00pm to 7:00pm
  • U12 Rec, Core, Extended – 3:00pm to 7:00pm
  • U14 Core, Extended – 3:00pm to 7:00pm
  • U16+ Core, Extended – 3:00pm to 7:00pm
Training will begin promptly at 9:00am and 3:00pm so please have athletes ready to ski.  Lunch break in the morning will be at the regular 11:00am time for 30 minutes, the afternoon session will also include a 30 minute break with the time to be confirmed depend on hill conditions and training opportunities.  If there is gate training available in the afternoon session it will be slalom so please ensure athletes in U14+  have all appropriate skis, poles and protective equipment prepared.
For our U10 Core families that also have athletes in our U12 or older groups we understand that this may not be convenient, as such we do plan to offer a U10 training program ( for any Core athletes) for those athletes at the 3:00pm start time.  We do have a list of the athletes from last week that were in this situation, unless you notify us otherwise we will assume these athletes will once again train in the afternoon.  If you did not indicate afternoon training or if you did train in the afternoon and wanted to train in the morning we would ask that you contact myself as soon as possible at or to ensure we have sufficient coaching support and athlete tracking.  Please do let me know by Friday at 6:00pm.

We completly understand that this is not ideal, and we all anticipated that we would not be in this position once again this week.  We appreciate your continued flexibility and understanding in this very dynamic season.  Should you have any questions or concerns please do contact Tim McLeod at or

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